Welcome to The St Peter’s Community and Youth Hub
We’re here to serve the community and young people of Molesey
There’s loads going on, from youth drop in sessions, a community breakfast and parents, babies and toddlers groups to Great Create (a mental wellbeing crafting group), East Elmbridge food bank’s Thursday centre session and more.
We also have spaces you can hire out to run your own group or event or to host a children’s party. Click here to find out about venue hire.
Find us at The St Peter’s Community and Youth Hub, Ray Road, West Molesey, KT8 2LG.
Weekly Events
Monthly and Holiday Events
Mums' Night Off
1st Wednesday of the month: 8pm
Food, drink and friendly chat. Mums of all ages and life stages are welcome
Sessions have involved a pamper evening, film night, pub social.
1st Saturday of the Month: 10 - 11:30am
For Dads and their children of all ages @ The Hub
Come along for some fun, friendship, coffee and maybe even a bacon butty!
No booking needed, WIFI & refreshments available
Saturday Drop in @ St Peter's
3rd Saturday of the month: 10am
Drop in to St Peter’s church on Walton Road on Saturday morning for some friendship, refreshments and a chance to do a little weeding or litter picking for the community!
No booking needed, WIFI & refreshments available
Ready Steady...
Free family holiday activities: days and times vary
If you’d like to know about our free holiday activities for children and families, get in touch.
Advance booking is needed
WIFI & refreshments available
Messy Church
Last Wednesday of the month: 3.30pm
Messy Church is a light and fun expression of church for all primary school age children.
It includes games, stories, crafts and a free meal!
It’s loads of fun and absolutely anybody can come.
Sweet Spot sports camps
During the Half term holidays we offer a sports camp in partnership with Scripture Union.
It’s free to access for any children or young people aged 8-16.
The best way to find out about when these camps are running is to head to our Facebook Page or join our mailing list.